My name is Kim Noyce, and at Complete Balance, I offer massage therapy bodywork appointments to address an extensive range of ailments which you may be living with. These include joint pain, lower back and sciatica, frozen shoulder, rotator cuff, fibromyalgia and migraines (as well as stress management). These are some of the many conditions, which you may recognise, that respond positively to massage therapy, and a more comprehensive list of conditions may be found here.

My Story
Massage therapy holds particular personal resonance for me: my earlier, high-pressure corporate career was exciting and challenging, but it also took its toll as my body continually flagged up the stresses that I was placing on my system. Poor sleep, headaches and migraines, joint pains, symptoms of IBS and many other conditions were features of my life. The benefits of holistic bodywork treatments were of immense value, as well as highly influential in both my change of career and choice of specialist area for Complete Balance.
Extensive training and qualifications coupled with this first-hand experience of lifestyle factors have given me a specific insight into holistic bodywork and led me to specialise in pain and stress relief. My qualifications and professional registrations may be found at the bottom of this page.
Massage therapy includes Sports Injury Massage and Remedial Massage, alongside a number of related disciplines. These are incorporated into a highly individualised treatment plan for each patient to alleviate pain and stress, improve functional movement and enhance well-being. Trigger Point Therapy, Myofascial Release, Deep Tissue Massage, Soft Tissue Release and Muscle Energy Techniques (METs) are some of the very effective forms of remedial massage that I use. Details of these and other forms of massage therapy may be found here.
I also use the EMMETT Technique, which, when combined with soft tissue work, is particularly effective at releasing chronic pain and tension as well as reducing stress, leading to a noticeable sense of rejuvenation and increased energy. Click here for more information.
In addition to bodywork treatments, I'm a Melt Method Instructor, offering both classes and private appointments; both are designed to allow greater ease of movement and allow you to get on with your life. A marked reduction in pain and inflammation means, quite simply, a better quality of life. More information can be found about the Melt Method on my Classes page.
My goal at Complete Balance is to provide my patients with exactly that: a healthy, achievable state of balance and harmony. Our nervous system requires a balance between ‘rest and digest’, as well as ‘fight and flight’; today’s hectic lifestyles and stresses from multiple sources can make that balance hard to achieve.
Why not book an appointment now and start your journey towards Complete Balance
Advanced Clinical Massage Therapist (ACMT)
Advanced MyoFascial Release
Advanced EMMETT Technique - EP6
John Gibbons Bodymaster
Spinal Manipulation
Melt Method Instructor L3
Hatha Yoga Teacher
Ayurvedic - Head, Neck, Shoulder, and Back Massage
VTCT Level 3 Indian Head Massage
Functional Anatomy
Clinical Somatics Exercises
Yoga for Lower Back Pain - SI Mobility & Ease of Movement
Restorative Yoga
The Evolution of Movement
GCMT - General Council for Soft Tissue Therapies
EMMETT Therapies UK Ltd
Melt Method
Yoga Alliance Professionals
If you would like to know if Complete Balance is right for you, please call or email
Phone: 07795 550963
Email: info@completebalance.co.uk