The Massage Therapy I offer at Complete Balance includes Remedial Massage and Sports Massage. These techniques can address a wide range of ailments and conditions. A short list may be found at the end of this page; there are many more.
Read on to find out more about the variety of therapeutic techniques I employ

Areas of expertise
Personalised treatment using a unique blend of therapies

Sports & remedial massage
After your sports or remedial massage session, I have extensive self-care resources via my Complete Balance YouTube Channel. These are free to use, so you can continue your rehabilitation at home when it's convenient for you. In addition, I can provide a personalised rehabilitation program that you can complete at home using Rehab My Patient. Alternatively, you can book a 1 2 1 session with me; we can discuss and design a strength & mobility training session. Each session is recorded, and you can access this recording for future use at home. Find out more on my Classes page.

Trigger point therapy
Trigger Point Therapy - A trigger point is a firm or taut ‘knot’ of tissue that can be sensitive to touch, generate pain and limit the normal range of movement. These knots can be as small as a pea or as large as a golf ball. Trigger points have been defined by the renowned American physician and medical researcher Dr Janet Travell as "a hyperirritable locus within a taut band of skeletal tissue, located in the muscular tissue and/or its associated fascia". Trigger points can generate referred pain; for example, trigger points in the scalenes — the muscles in the neck — can create pain down the back of the arm and into the forearm and wrist, as far as the thumb and index finger. Not all trigger points will cause pain or limit movement, and not all trigger points are found in the musculature; they can exist in ligaments, periosteum, and non-muscular fascial tissue. I treat trigger points using ischemic compression (direct pressure) to the point of tension. I work with every patient to ensure that we remain within a comfortable pain threshold, as experiencing acute pain can be counter-productive. Pressure is held for 15-20 seconds, and I use Sports Injury and Remedial Massage techniques to massage the surrounding area. This releases the bound tissue, reducing tension and pain. The muscles can then move more freely, resulting in greater comfort, improved mobility and a reduction in pain.

Myofascial release
Myofascial Release - Fascia is the connective tissue that surrounds and connects all of the structures in the body, and its role is a crucial one. Its importance and structure can be best illustrated by thinking of an orange. The spongy and stringy white pith lies just below the skin of the orange and between the segments of the fruit. There are also fine spidery lines within each segment of the fruit. Imagine removing all of the orange juice in the fruit; what’s left is the shape of the orange, the supporting walls of the separate sections, plus all of the minute 'walls' within each segment. The fascia in our body plays a very similar role. Fascia allows the muscles to glide, provides support, acts as a shock absorber and provides a pathway for cells to communicate with each other. It's the body's first line of defence against pathogenic agents and infections. Often the reason for pain is not a skeletal issue but a fascial one. For example, the thickening and lack of mobility of the thoracolumbar fascia have been shown to cause chronic back pain (Langevin et al., 2011); however, myofascial tension can occur anywhere in the body, causing varying degrees of pain and immobility. Myofascial release refers to the 'palpation' or massage of the fascial structure in the body. This creates a mechanical and neurological response which can release tension and improve the mobility of muscles and joints. Restricted fascia will not allow the muscle it encases to relax into proper function. When an area of fascial tension has been identified, pressure is applied in the direction of the restriction. The therapist will pin at one point and stretch away from the pin; at other times, the stretch will occur in both directions away from the central restriction. This can be a gentle stretch but is often deep and sometimes quite painful, depending on which layer of musculature is targeted.
Holistic Treatment at Complete Balance

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”: World Health Organization.
When injury, illness, or simply life itself disrupts your well-being, I will help you to regain that all-important harmony — physically, mentally and emotionally — at Complete Balance Worthing.
In addition to massage, I also teach the Melt Method. The Melt Method has long been recognised as a powerful aid in the pursuit of wellness for the physical, emotional and mental benefits that it brings.
The Melt Method is a simple, gentle and subtle self-treatment approach that uses soft rollers and soft balls to ease stuck stress and improve stability and mobility in your body.
My approach
At Complete Balance, there is never a ‘one size fits all’ approach to treatment because each one of us is utterly unique: physically, mentally and emotionally.
With a particular focus on pain and stress relief, my holistic approach to wellness acknowledges the whole, unique body in conjunction with the physical, mental and emotional strains it undergoes. My goal for every patient is to ease pain, reduce tension and promote physical, mental and emotional well-being: a state of complete balance.
Wellness is the complete integration of body, mind, and spirit — the realization that everything we do, think, feel, and believe has an effect on our state of well-being” — Greg Anderson (USA), author of ‘The 22 Non-Negotiable Laws of Wellness’.
My approach to wellness as a Sports & Remedial Massage Therapist is to consider the biopsychosocial factors that may be influencing a patient’s physical state. This offers a much wider framework in which to look at the underlying issues which may be contributing to symptoms. I can then devise a treatment programme which is as individual as every patient.
The marvellously complex structure that is the human body is a design exclusive to every single person. Our genes and family history add their own variations to the physical blueprint of bones, muscles, fascia (connective tissue), ligaments, tendons and organs. Mentally and emotionally, every thought and feeling, along with the sum of every emotional experience (both positive and negative), add to our uniqueness. ​ Although complete balance is the ideal state for every person, it can be hard to achieve in today’s fast-paced life. What’s common to us all is that everything is interconnected and interdependent; in such a complex system, it’s easy for one small element to become out of balance, creating a ripple effect. Physical imbalances cause pain and discomfort, while mental and emotional stress can produce a number of seemingly unconnected physical symptoms throughout the body.

Physical Ailments
Lower Back Pain
Upper Back Issue
Sciatica/Piriformis Syndrome
Hip Pain
Patella Tendonitis
Tight Hamstrings and Quadriceps
Calf issues
Knee Issues
ITB Issues
Plantar Fasciitis
Ankle Instability
Achilles Tendon strains
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Pins and Needles or Numbness in the arms and hands
Tennis and Golfers Elbow
Rotor Cuff Injury
Frozen Shoulder
Wellbeing Issues
Chronic Fatigue
Stress Relief
Pain Relief
Indigestion / Heartburn
Period Pain/Menstrual Cramps
Scar Tissue reduction
RSI – Repetitive Strain Injury
Compliments cancer care
Sleep problems
Chronic pain relief
Encourages relaxation and improves performance
Improves flexibility and range of movement
Improves recovery timescales pre and post sporting events